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Blend: Strawberry Gum, Rosella & Strawberry Leaves

Caffeine free.


Strawberry Gum gives a pleasant, sweet strawberry & passionfruit aroma with Cinnamon notes, with the tangy fragrant beautiful Rosella givng a stunning rose hue and a depth of flavour adding to the strawberry leaf base give an enhancing the strawberry flavour.



This blend was made for my Aunty Laurel, I was always told to call her Laurel, (as Aunty made her feel old) but I never did. Aunty Laurel was one of those lucky people to be blessed with never seeming to age. As a teenager I spent so much time at her house, she was always so welcoming & kind to me, I feel blessed to have had her in my life growing up. This blend was selected for Aunty Laurel as strawberries remind me of her as she is super sweet with depth and vivaciousness. It was always such a pleasure to be in her happy lively company with a ready smile & laughter.


Health Benefits:

Strawberry leaves 

  • contain Vic C,
  • antioxidants,
  • have anti-inflammatory & anti-microbial properties.

Strawberry Gum - (Eucalyptus Olida) -

  • Is an antioxidant, and
  • has anti-fungal & antibiotic properties
  • is known to help balance the  microflora of the gut


  • Antioxidant
  • Vit A. C, B2, B8
  • Calcium
  • Potassium
  • Magnesium
  • Iron
  • used to treat colds
  • For teeth & gum health


Ideal brewing method:

  • Add 1-2 teaspoons of loose leaf tea to your tea infuser, place in your teapot or mug.
  • When the water reaches the desired temp - optimum temp of 80 degrees, just off boiling.
  • Pour approx 250ml of water over your tea infuser – allowing water to circulate through leaves.
  • Time your tea - Steep for 3-5 minutes.
  • Once time is up, dunk the infuser a couple of times to circulate the water.
  • Remove the infuser and set aside for a second steeping.


Tip: when resteeping your tea add additional time to draw out the flavour – it will be a weaker brew but still refreshing & beneficial!


No known allergens. This product may contain traces of GlutenSesame SeedsSoyTree Nuts or other allergens due to possible cross-contamination


Produced & Packaged in Australia.


Laurel - Strawberry & Rosella

  • Up to 25 serves - .39c per serve

  • Up to 50 serves - .37c per serve

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