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Anise / Aniseed Myrtle:

Anetholea anisate - (formerly known as Backhousia anisate)

Anise is an excellent replacement for Star of Anise, it has a liquorice & fennel flavour and is sometimes referred to as "Chinese" 5 spice.


It can be added to fish, chicken, pork & duck dishes, Gingerbread, Asian savoury dishes, pasta, syrups, glazes and for sweets, pastries, cakes and biscuits.


You can also brew it as a tea, or,  you can taste this wonderful flavour in the Bowerbird Naturals blend -  Gladys Botanical Tea.


Health Benefits:

Aniseed Myrtle - Anetholea anisata (also Syzygium anisatum)- is a good source of antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties. It also contains essential oils such as anethole, which is linked to digestive health benefits.


Additionally it is high in calcium, magnesium and potassium.


The leaves of this subtropical rainforest plant can be harvested year-round, from well-drained, nutrient rich soils. When dried and milled, the leaves impart a subtly sweet liquorice flavour similar to star anise, and can be used in many of the same foods — such as cakes, biscuits, sauces and curries – hearty meals.


It can also be distilled as oil or used as a tea.


Bowerbird Naturals offers Aniseed / Anise Myrtle in Gladys Tea a base of Victorian Green Tea with the sweetness of the Fennel flower pollen & leaves enhancing the natural licorice-like taste of the myrtle. The added lemon gives a light citrus flavour rounding out the botanical tea.


Indigenous Australians traditionally used it as a medicinal tonic to treat hiccuping, weight loss, lactation, menstrual pain and stomach complaints and is a great digestive aid.

Aniseed myrtle is also rich in magnesium which can boost energy, fight inflammation and promote good health. It also has anti-fungal and anti-microbial properties, which can assist immunity and protect against common diseases.


Finally, it is rich in Vitamin C and D, which are linked to many desirable health benefits, such as boosting immunity, heart health and maintaining strong bones and teeth. 


This stunning rainforest tree is both highly ornamental and it’s quite rare in the wild, native to a few areas of North East New South Wales. The tree can reach up to 45 metres in a rainforest environment but most often 8-10 metres as a small to medium tree in open garden situations.  It’s usually harvested as a hedge to 2-3 metres in bush food plantations. The plant has a dense cover of fine lush green aniseed scented and flavoured foliage throughout the year with white scented flowers in the spring.


No known allergens. This product may contain traces of GlutenSesame SeedsSoyTree Nuts or other allergens due to possible cross-contamination.


Produced & packaged in Australia.

Aniseed Myrtle - Flaked & Ground Leaves

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